Sunday, May 2, 2010

Free .exe Icon Changer Tool For Hacking - Hide Keyloggers from Anti-Virus Softwares

Exe Icon Changer software with Icon Package:

1. First of all Download Icon Changer with Icon Package to make keylogger undetectable to antivirus.

2. Now, unzip the file and run "Icon Changer v2.exe" file to see:

3. Simply, select the icon which you wanna use. You can choose your own made or can even select one from Icon package folder provided.

4. After this, browse to the server.exe file whose icon you wanna change and hit on "Open".

5. Now, hit on "Change" and you will find the icon of server file changed.

Note: You don't need to install software. Simply double click on "Icon Changer v2.exe" to get the application.

Why to use Icon Changer?

There are many server trojans which are detected to antiviruses only because of their icons ie icons contain virus signature. So, if there icons are changed, they become UD (UnDetectable) to antiviruses. In such situations, Icon Changer is very handy program or application and works as undetection technique.

Also, Icon Changer helps us in fooling victim by changing icon of binded file (Server Trojan file + Normal software).

Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment!

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